Monday, February 10, 2014

Testicles, Complaints

by Rose David

I do this thing where I get really mad about something, but not at first.

Like when Colin was saying how annoying work-themed blogs are, specifically those written by baristas.

Which was pretty funny coming from a guy who was so shit in the cafe we worked at that he was pretty much almost fired a couple of times.

I was too polite to point that out, though. Instead, I told him, in the middle of the dinner hour at a busy-ish restaurant:

Which was kind of a shitty thing to say, even if it got a laugh.

But now it's been like, a week since then, and I find myself randomly annoyed about the whole situation.

You'd think I would just feel vindicated. I got a zinger in and everything, so shouldn't I just be reveling in my stupid, little victory?

Sometimes I wonder what the hell is wrong with my brain.

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