Saturday, February 1, 2014

January Wrap-Up

by Rose David

Yeah, okay. So...

This went pretty well. Admittedly, I gave myself a real softball challenge this month.

But look at me, doing that thing where I minimize my successes just because I didn't put myself through hell to accomplish them.

I know that's a Thing I Do because this month's challenge has really been good for increasing my self-awareness. And I'm grateful about that.

Know what else I'm grateful for?

A lot of teeny, tiny things that sound kind of stupid when you list them out publicly. Like firewood and shovels and streaming Netflix. Also cocoa and fresh oranges--the latter is best consumed during winter, while sitting by a drafty window and staring at the ice rink that is your driveway.

I guess this whole gratitude journaling thing HAS changed my perspective on life. Not in any crazy, earth-shattering, total-paradigm-shift kind of way. It's not like I went to a Tony Robbins seminar and I'm riding an endorphin high of forced extroversion and fire-walking.

Going through my day, I don't feel soaked in the warmth of my new gratitude and awareness. If I'm significantly wiser, it doesn't color everything that I SAY, DO, and SEE. I wish it did, but I kind of don't care that it does.

Because I'm just, you know, grateful for the little changes.

Oh, God, that's really sweet and happy, isn't it? I feel self-conscious now. Yeesh.

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