Thursday, February 20, 2014

Diary Ghosts

Last night, I was writing in my journal and--

Okay, no. "Journal" has a patina of factuality and intellect. What I keep is a "diary"--it's personal, emotional, and usually shows off the worst parts of my character.

Which is a good thing no one is going to read it, ever.

I'm pretty sure.

But then, I don't think Teddy Roosevelt imagined anyone was going to read his diaries, either. But you can just hop over to Amazon and buy them for like, a buck.

Which makes me wonder... like, why aren't there more pissed-off dead people just HAUNTING bookstores?

Teddy Roosevelt, maybe, could come to terms with this. He was a president--he probably figured, at some point, that people were going to look through his shit after he died.

But don't you think, at the very least, that Anne Frank would be royally pissed off about this? She was a teenage girl, for fuck's sake. I'm not trying to downplay the historical significance of her diary, but there's a lot of personal crap in there, too.

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