Monday, March 3, 2014

Talent versus Ambition

by Rose David

So, I wrote a comic script, which is unusual for me because I tend to get over-eager and just try to skip that part.

But I wanted to do it right with this story. It's an ambitious project for me. I'm going to have to draw a lot of things I'm not comfortable with just yet, like detailed backgrounds and crowd scenes and, you know, dudes. And the tone of the piece is really challenging because it's kind of subtle and slice-of-life, and I tend to feel more comfortable with silliness.

I'm still playing around with the script, but I'm starting to think that I'm dragging my feet a little. Because when I'm done (or done-ish) with the script, then I'm going to have to start drawing this freaking thing, which is pretty intimidating.

I have serious doubts about whether or not I'm a good enough artist to see this project through. As you can probably tell, my visual work tends to skew toward the simple and cute, which is great for random diary comics, but maybe less effective for quiet little stories about loneliness and empathy.

So, yeah... This is me, freaking the hell out.

I know I shouldn't worry... because why SHOULDN'T I be the one to bring my characters to the page/computer screen? I ought to be the natural choice for artist because I know the characters best.

And because, you know, I don't have any money to PAY anyone else to do it.

I realize that the only way to tame this fear is to just keep working. But knowing that doesn't stop the pre-work jitters.

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